A group formed by around thirty informatics students of the fourth grade visited the facilities of the Technological Innovation Park (PIT) of this University, they are current students at the Faculty of Informatics, Campus Culiacán, belonging to the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS).
The visitors were received by PIT-UAS’ collaborators, who showed to the students each one of the areas within the Park, besides explaining them the objective and the functioning of such university organism of technological innovation and development.
Thus, before beginning with the guided tour, there was an exposition in the Videoconferences Hall, which purpose was making known to the young visitors the Park’s projects proposals (nowadays are 14), in addition to the innovative projects currently in development at the PIT-UAS.
As part of the tour, were shown the areas: Projects Development, where they had the opportunity of knowing about the research by Rubén Quintero (Engineering in Telecommunications, Systems and Electronics student at the aforementioned Faculty of Informatics), which purpose is the generation of pulses for the transmission of ultra-wide-band signals on optical fiber; Robotics Laboratory, where they met the amusing humanoid robot Nao and were shown hardware and software used in haptic and teleoperation researches directed by the doctor in Robotics Ulises Zaldívar; 3D Printing, where they could see the PIT-UAS’ equipment for 3D modeling and printing, as well as some pieces printed at the Park; among other departments.
MSc IT Rogelio Prieto, one of the Park’s Operative Coordinators, pointed out that this university unit is focused on the strengthening of Sinaloa’s technological capabilities in essential fields of knowledge, thanks to the strategic transversal platform that represent the information and communication technologies.
In addition to the above, complying some of the Park’s functions, the student were invited to participate in the development of projects, as well as to subscribe them through the PIT-UAS. This, with the objective of acting as an agent for linkage, training and specialization of university human resources.
Written by Moroni Arellano (Communication and Diffusion, PIT-UAS), translated by Belem Ruiz (Edition and Communication, PIT-UAS).