On May 15th of 2014, after the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa) and the Federal Government, through its National Council of Science and Technology, joined institutional efforts for the creation of the Technological Innovation Park (PIT, Parque de Innovación Tecnológica), PhD Juan Eulogio Guerra Liera, UAS’ Rector, inaugurated the PIT-UAS, which General Director is MBA José Ramón López Arellano.
Action lines
- To drive the articulation of efforts made by the public, private and social sectors, with the aim of increasing the investment on science, technology and innovation (STI) and achieving a bigger efficiency and effectiveness on their application.
- To foment that the public expenditure on STI be given in a sustained way.
- To stimulate the investment on STI realized by public higher education institutions.
- To incentivize, among the productive areas, the investment on scientific research and technological development
- To promote the use of international financing sources for STI.
In the first instance, to fuse business and academic sectors, in order that they jointly work with the Government in the improvement of local enterprises’ technological innovation and technological development, so that through the strengthening of state technologies the technological dependence can be overcome and the gross domestic product can be positively affected, with which it is pretended to contribute so that quality of life in Sinaloa increase.
The aforementioned, likewise, with the purpose of promoting knowledge diffusion in order to vanquish scientific illiteracy. In the same way, by transmitting a science conception that appreciates it as a better way of life, counteract violence culture. With which it will be possible to popularize science and technology as tools to displace current forms that are remote from humanism; besides, the new scientists’ social base of origin will be broadened.
To materialize the Park’s auto-sustainability in an approximate period of 00 years, which will be possible thanks to the scientific-technical specialised personnel the UAS gave to the PIT-UAS for its operation, as well as the university initial investment destined to make feasibility studies of technological development and innovation projects.
Eventually, through the diffusion and impact of its diverse activities, make this university space for research and entrepreneurship an institution with an international presence, thanks to the quality of its technological development and innovation; make these serve to transform business and academic sectors and drive their growth.

General objective
Applying the economic growth model of the triple helix (Government, university and enterprise) and from the strategic transversal platform represented by the ICT, through the PIT-UAS, the University pretends to promote Sinaloa’s development via the strengthening of technological capabilities in the State within essential fields of knowledge.
Specific objectives
- Through incorporating innovation, to strength regional economy’s productivity and competitiveness, with the purpose of achieving a sustained economic growth and accelerating the creation of high-specialization employments.
- Contributing to the generation of scientific and technological knowledge, thanks to the implementation of basic and applied research projects in every general line of knowledge application.
- Generating, applying and integrating technologies knowledge, in order to give solutions to problems from the local, regional and international environments.