A patent gives protection to the invention of the owner. The protection is granted through a period of registration of up to 20 years. The protection includes that the invention can not be made, used, distributed or commercially sold without the approval of the owner; the owner will have the rights over the invention and only he will be able to exploit the invention, procedure or product. Mexico gives, through the registration of patents, a protection to the inventor for a technical or scientific improvement that has a practical utility that satisfies a need; also, this protection has validity in a group of 150 countries. The Autonomous University of Sinaloa offers a 50% discount rate in the process of registration of patents.
Requirements for the applications of patents
- Requirements for registration (online document).
- Payment of the requirement.
- Letter of the 50% discount*
- Letter of transfer of rights.
- Patent’s document where an explanation of what the invention is about.
- Every document should be delivered in original and three copies.
*In the case of requesting with UAS, an additional 50% of discount is offered to institutions of higher education.