With Connected Mexico Project (PMC, Proyecto México Conectado) Sinaloa will reach other perspectives in the matter of communication, infrastructure and technological advance, the quality of State’s education will be favorably impacted, expressed the Rector of Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa). PhD Juan Eulogio Guerra Liera referred like this to the Project, in which the University functions as one of the State Operative Instances (IOE, Instancias Operativas Estatales) and participates in practically the whole process.
“Nowadays it is indispensable the usage of communication through internet, it provides access to reliable academic information pages and data bases, it is a very opportune way to communicate and exchange information”, said while explaining PMC has as goal to communicate the whole country and to create a web of strategic points which allow the population to have an access to these information lines through internet.
“At national level, the University of Guadalajara is coordinating; at state level, we are participating, altogether with the Technological Institute of Culiacán, and we have an important participation […] nobody can deny the impact and the presence at state level our institution has, it is the most important, without lessening the other higher education institutions, but this is a strong institution and it has presence in every single municipality of the state, even in highland zones, inaccessible not just for internet but also for education”, declared.
Guerra Liera pointed out UAS was invited to participate because, in addition, its personnel counts with the qualification and the quality required.
“The University is going to participate along the different phases of this program. To begin, there is this phase, known as market study, which ain’t more than having the proper analysis and location of those points where it is suggested internet connectivity would have a bigger social impact, where more people of our state would be benefited, and besides its usage would be of a greater impact”, specified. Afterwards, added, the University will be in the phase to review the profiles and the suitability of the functioning at the connected sites.
“The important is that UAS is going to participate strongly and in coordination with the University of Guadalajara, we will be accomplishing with a great deployment of infrastructure, and logistics, in order to reach such zones, and propose those places where this benefit hasn’t arrived yet”, expressed.
The university leader added that PMC will be of huge impact in educative sector, since the possibilities for development of the country, today more than ever, depend on a quality education: “When we talk about a quality education, it is obvious that technological advances must be put within its reach; although, besides, the objectives of educative sector in our country must emphasize precisely the quality, the appropriateness, the coverage, the inclusion and the equity; and here impacts the impulse to scientific and technological education”.
Source: Direction of Communications UAS. http://dcs.uas.edu.mx/index.php?sec=3&op=2&tipo=i&id_noticia=5422
Other references: El Debate journal (Culiacán). http://www.debate.com.mx/culiacan/Inician-con-el-proyecto-Mexico-conectado-en-el-estado-de-Sinaloa-20150108-0129.html.
Translated by Belem Ruiz (Edition and Communication, PIT-UAS).