On Monday 7th of December, accompanied by PhD Xiomara Penélope Zaldívar Colado, students from the Master of Information Science offered by the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa) visited the facilities of the University’s Technological Innovation Park (PIT, Parque de Innovación Tecnológica).
Students were given a guided tour through the distinct laboratories and workshops which conform this university complex of innovation, with the purpose of making them know some of the projects that are currently being developed at the PIT-UAS and the methodology followed by the researchers involved. Thus, during their visit, one of the areas to which they had access was the Training Room, where Mac platform equipment is boasted, it is a space to carry out the trainings for those involved in research projects.
The aforementioned Master of Information Science is registered in the National Council of Science and Technology’s Mexican Postgraduate Quality Program, therefore, the university students were told about the necessity the Park has in the matter of joining to its projects people with professional profiles like theirs, human resources formed with integral quality programmes, capable of realizing high quality research, developing and applying new technologies, besides making a contribution to the solution of regional, national and international problems.
Finally, were emphasized the advantages they may have by participating in the PIT-UAS’ scientific activities of basic and applied science. The group formed by 17 students was invited to collaborate with the PIT-UAS through innovation projects in such university space, one of which roles consists precisely on promoting and strengthening the impact generated by graduated student’s labour.
Written by Moroni Arellano (Communication and Diffusion, PIT-UAS), translated by Belem Ruiz(Edition and Communication, PIT-UAS).